Identification method for auxiliary contact of AC contactor

1 marked with NO and NC
NO is the abbreviation of open normal (often) in English, NC is the abbreviation of close normal (Chang Bi).
2 marked with digital serial number 11 or 12, etc.
Behind one digit (1, 2) represents a normally closed contact (3, 4), which is normally open contacts. There are (5, 6), (7, 8) on behalf of the time relay is normally closed, normally open contact group.
3 can the auxiliary contact of the AC contactor be directly connected to the 220V?
Can, in fact, many of the circuit’s indicator is the 220V.
4 function of auxiliary contact
AC contactor has three pairs of main contacts, the above three terminal is connected to a power supply, below the 3 terminal is connected to electrical equipment, attracting coil connected control circuit, when a pick-up coil, iron core generates magnetic, attract the armature, and the main contact bonding and electrical equipment through electrical work. In addition to the auxiliary and normally open and normally closed electric shock, can be used as a lock and mutual lock control. The function of the normally open contact in the control loop is described in the following diagram.
5 normally open normally closed recognition method
Million with sheet resistance profile measurements (uncharged measurement) in general as a group, the channel resistance is zero or near zero) as the name implies the is normally closed, open circuit (resistance of infinity) is normally open.